We know that Dénia has been named UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy since 2015, among many reasons, because of the excellence of its chefs and its extensive offer in catering establishments.
However, the most important and significant thing for us is that we have been given this recognition for the great quality and wide variety of our local products, coming from the sea and from the land.
Nowadays, we had to change our lifestyle. It is essential to maintain the immune system at full capacity and to reach that, we have to follow a varied and balanced diet.
We present you here the products you can find in Dénia and its region whose nutrients have a direct relationship with the strengthening of the immune system:

Citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes, vegetables of the cabbage family, fruits and vegetables in general. These products provide vitamin C which increases the production of interferon (with especially antiviral action) necessary to form collagen (contributes to the maintenance of natural barriers against infections).

Whole grain cereals (bread, rice), olive oils (mainly the extra virgin first cold pressing), green leafy vegetables and nuts. These nutrients provide vitamin E which helps increase the immune response.

Vitamin A plays an essential role in preventing infections and in maintaining the integrity of the surface of the mucous membranes (natural barriers against infection) and can be found in eggs and dairy products.

Green or red-orange-yellow vegetables and some fruits (apricots, cherries,peaches) provide us with beta-carotene (a precursor of vitamin A).

B-complex vitamins increase the response of some lymphocytes (related to antibodies) and are found in food of vegetal origin such as vegetables, fresh fruit, nuts, cereals, legumes and in those of animal origin such as fish and seafood).

Antioxidant flavonoids enhance the action of vitamin C and are present in food such as vegetables of the cabbage family, green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits.
And so, an endless number of beneficial nutrients available in local products that you can find, for example, at the Municipal Market, at Dénia’s Fish Market, "Mercat del Riurau" Market and in other small shops in the city.
Take care of yourself! And don’t forget to accompany your Mediterranean diet with healthy habits such as regular exercise, a good night’s sleep and a reduction in alcohol and tobacco consumption.